Sunday, January 26, 2014

Montag, Dienstag, Mittwoch...

That title right there? That's all of the German I know. Just kidding I actually know all 7 days of the week, how to count 1-10 and then 20-30 (forgot 10-20 oops), how to say "that is not good" and "what is this", and how to say "thanks". Needless to say, I was the most advanced German speaker in my traveling group. Shoutout to Herr Katzenmayer of Thomas Middle School.

I LOVED Berlin. I did feel like a total peasant because it was about the same temperature as Chicago and I have been so spoiled in Barcelona that I forgot what cold felt like. I have never been so cold in my entire life. Before I start talking about my weekend in Berlin, I should go over the plane ride to Berlin.

I decided to be nice and give Angie the window seat when we were picking seats. I did not realize that there was a possibility that my aisle seat partner would be a chatty Kathy. Or that he would be a 30 year old Algerian man who barely speaks English but really, really, really wants to talk to you. We started talking at first just small talk and he was practicing his English. Then the plane took off. Then he kept talking to me. Then he said I am very beautiful and my language is also very beautiful. Then he asked me if he could add me on Facebook. Then he gave me his name to add him on Facebook. Then he gave me Algerian money (dinar) as a "souvenir". Then he tried to buy me a drink. Then he asked for my phone number, in which I told him I didn't have one. Then he told me he's going to be in Barcelona next weekend and he wants to see me (I might be out of town that weekend...). In total we probably talked for 2 hours out of the 2.5 hour flight. I know what I just described sounds incredibly forward and creepy but he was very nice and thanked me many times for the conversation and the help with his English. I'm going to go spend my dinar now.

Then we got to Berlin and looked for a place to eat. Let me tell you, these Germans know how to eat. Much more so than the Spaniards, at least. After a delicious (and expensive) meal, we went on a pub crawl with other tourists. One thing I learned on this pub crawl: prostitution is legal in Berlin. Another thing I learned: all prostitutes wear sparkly moonboots. So if you're going to Berlin, leave the moonboots at home.

The next day, we went to a breakfast buffet and between the six of us in the group I think we consumed enough food for 30 people. It was 11:30 so we might as well eat breakfast and lunch while we're at it. Also, these Germans eat breakfast the right way unlike Spaniards with their little toast and coffee. It was like a taste of America. Then we went to the Berlin Wall and took some pictures there. It was a really beautiful day and seeing the wall was amazing. Also this graffiti was amazing. The Germans know how to respect their monuments.

After that we went on a walking tour of Berlin, which was incredible despite the freezing temperatures. The tour was free and we got to see and learn about the history of just about everything in Berlin. One of the most fascinating things I learned was what the deal is with this parking lot:

Right under that parking lot and sidewalk is Hitler's bunker (where he killed himself). It's basically a giant middle finger to Hitler that no one cares where he died. There is not one sign marking that this is the place because no one wants to honor anything about him. About 100 yards away from this was the memorial to the Jews killed in the Holocaust, which is a massive piece of land. Way to go, Berlin. 

Once we couldn't feel our feet anymore, we went to a restaurant for dinner and then back home. We took a short siesta (we are too accustomed to Spain) and then went to a club. All in all, both nights were great and we got to meet people from all over which was super cool and I'm really glad we went to Berlin!

I have class in 7 hours and I haven't done any homework. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were well fed and enjoyed your trip to Berlin. Thanks for sharing your experience with us couch potatoes! Haha!
